The purpose of our Gear and Mindset shows to to have fun with gear but also give recommendations on gear that helps us on the path, or info that can help us enhance our overall mindset.
This Gear and Mindset episode Aaron gives a great primer on terminal ballistics. He then provides data on the viability of 380 as a defense caliber and his journey with building his ultimate red dot optic Glock 42 for a non-permissive environment.
The two reports Aaron used as reference: report based on Dr. Robert’s and Dr. Fackler’s data
Greg Ellifritz book Choose Adventure
Mindset: We should all have a requisite level of cardio fitness, this can ward off hear disease and also preps us to deal with a physical fight or the ability to deal with the adrenalin dump and spiked heart rate we could experience in a life or death fight.
Heart Rate Monitors and Basic Aerobic Fitness –
Episode 48 with Larry Lindenman
Max heart rate = 220 – your age ( This is only a rule of thumb, to know for sure have your doctor run a VO2 Max test). In this case, Aaron and I are 48. 220 – 48 = 172 bpm
Aerobic zone for Aaron and I, 120 – 137 ish. This is an estimate and is a zone
85-90% of max HR for anaerobic threshold: For us that range is 146 – 154 bpm
As a comparison a 20 year old, Max HR = 200 and Aerobic threshold is 140-160 bpm and Anaerobic is 170- 180 bpm
Erics basic. cardio workouts:
Joel Jamisons Road Work 2.0. – 45 min to an hr of Aerobic work
Basically choose any cardio modality and do 5-10 min in each modality for 45-1 Hr. Bike, rower, treadmill, JiuJitsu Solo Drills, Shadow Boxing, Kettle Bells, Jump Rope…etc, etc.
Basic Aerobic Threshold workout I do is 10 intervals of getting my hr to my Anaerobic threshold and then going all the way back down to 120 bpm and repeat. Examples, sprint up hill, hit your Anaerobic Zone and stay in it for 20 sec, recover to 120 bpm, and repeat for 10-15 reps.
HR monitors discussed on the show:
Polar H10 – Polar beat apps so on so forth.
Eric’s watch: Garmin Instinct Solar
Lock Boxes for Vehicles
Liberty Safe Handgun Vaults Small Key Vault
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Evolution Security is Eric Davis, Aaron Davis and Brian Schilt; specializing in self-protection education, defensive pistol and carbine, consulting, and weapons based grappling. Their mission is to help those serious about protecting themselves and their loved ones, become more capable though filtered information, recommended study, and highlighting their mentors who are the best in the field. In addition, Eric and Aaron (twins) are musicians keeping with Musashi’s adage that martial artist should focus on art outside of the martial (bumper music recorded by the brothers).
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