We have Scott Jedlinski back for a 2nd show, going into a Red Dot deep dive, Scott’s JiuJitsu journey, the crews current BJJ Fanatics video studies. Scott also hits on the fallacy that some instructors are pushing which is that you don’t need to focus on performance in your firearms training yet more on things you cant measure like awareness, tactics and what not; he explains why this is a falsehood.
Scott “Jedi” Jedlinski of the Modern Samurai Project is a life long martial artist in TKD, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and shooting. He is a Master class shooter in USPSA and is one of the industry leaders in the use of red dot optics (RDOs) on pistols. He is one of the most sought after instructors in this quickly evolving technology in firearms. This episode Aaron interviews Scott in a deep dive into the Red Dot Optics and their execution on pistols. Scott provides master class tips on how to run them effectively and provides a contrast between RDOs and iron sights putting to bed so many of the often sighted issues with the technology. Listen and get your learn on.
Scott has taught members of the Pentagon ERT, US Marshal’s Service, NYPD Instructor Cadre, Chicago SWAT, Ohio Tactical Officers Association, and FBI National Tactical Training Unit and multiple other SWAT teams around the US and much more.
For more information on Scott and to get into one of his sold out classes: www.mordernsamuraiproject.com/
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WE ARE PUMPED TO HAVE A NEW AFFILIATE LINK FOR ORIGIN AND JOCKO FUEL!!! Help support this show by purchasing any of your JiuJitsu gear, Jocko Supplements, books clothing and more… link below.
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Tenicor – www.tenicor.com they are educators, and innovators in the holster market. They are firearms instructors themselves, pressure testing their gear in multiple force on force events every year. We support those who do the work. Use our NEW code EVO2021 at checkout for 10% off. Again patronizing our sponsors helps us greatly.
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Evolution Security is Eric Davis, Aaron Davis and Brian Schilt; specializing in self-protection education, defensive pistol and carbine, consulting, and weapons based grappling. Their mission is to help those serious about protecting themselves and their loved ones, become more capable though filtered information, recommended study, and highlighting their mentors who are the best in the field. In addition, Eric and Aaron (twins) are musicians keeping with Musashi’s adage that martial artist should focus on art outside of the martial (bumper music recorded by the brothers).
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